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My Minus-Goldbach calculator

Yet another unsolved mathematical problem

The original idea and algorithm again belong to my friend Ivan here: An algorithm for the 'minus-Goldbach's' calculator. Mine is the Javascript implementation.

The Minus-Goldbach conjecture (as Ivan calls it) says that every even number (excluding 0, which is simply zero), can be represented as the difference between two primes. Contrary to Goldbach's pairs, the number of which is limited, the number of Minus-Goldbach pairs, representing the same integer, is infinite. That's why in the calculator below we need  a limiter (z).

 n, positive or negative (
excluding 0

In the interval of
from 1
to z to limit otherwise infinite number of results:

Can be expressed as the difference between the following pair(s) of primes (p1 ‒ p2):
Pair count:
i.e. n = p1 ‒ p2, where p1 = x +  |n| ; p2 = x ‒  |n| ; x = |n| + i; 1 ≤ i ≤ z
2 2
Notes: 1. As this calculator is Javascript based, if number entered is too big, and depending on computer speed, your browser might issue messages offering to abort the script. Obviously in that case not all expressions will be calculated;
2. This calculator doesn't work with FireFox (but does with Internet Explorer, Opera, and Chrome) due to some unexplored Javascript and forms behavior;
3. Javascript runtimes, calculated by the code itself, are very inconsistent. They give a real idea how long the code was run only if relatively big numbers are processed thus the runtime is greater.